The application can find the deficiencies by matching your specific symptoms and provide corresponding food suggestions. VitaminDeficiencyFinder from Yantramind helps you match your specific symptoms against hundreds of symptoms of deficiency of common vitamins and minerals. Based on a highly optimized interactive verification process, about the presence or absence of related symptoms, application can find if there are possible deficiencies and the relative probability of each of those deficiencies. The app is based on a patent pending innovation related to diagnostics.
Key Features
•Select the main symptom from a list of symptoms based on gender category and symptom categories
•Based on these main symptoms, application asks you a set of questions
•User can say yes or no to these symptoms.
•This dialog process continues and application converges on its decision of deficiency.
•Shows the percentage probability of vitamin deficiencies.
•It can show multiple deficiencies with associated probabilities.
•Application displays the probabilities only if it is greater than a specific confidence factor. Otherwise it will answer its decision as inconclusive.
•Based on the deficiency, application also makes food suggestions.
•All aspect of the innovation like the dialog formation based on neural networks and correlation engine is our intellectual property and patent pending.
The application is provided for information and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any sort of diagnosis or medical advice. You should consult your own personal physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for your specific situation before making any decision regarding treatment or medication related to vitamin deficiencies.
Vitamins and Minerals included in this analysis
•Vitamin A
•Vitamin B1
•Vitamin B2
•Vitamin B3
•Vitamin B6
•Vitamin B12
•Vitamin C
•Vitamin D
•Vitamin E
•Folic Acid
About Yantramind
Yantramind ( ) focuses on developing Technology solutions using machine intelligence to solve real world issues. Healthcare is our initial focus area and vitamin deficiency problem is the first one we are trying to solve. This application is the standalone mobile version addressing the area of vitamin deficiency, leveraging our medical information correlation engine. Web version of the same application is available at
Your feedback and suggestions
Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important for us to shape our future direction. Let us know if you want this solution to be extended for your ideas or product or service offerings– whether it is for profit or non-profit. We are more interested in the actual social impact of our solutions and will be glad to support you in whatever way we can. We have several innovative ideas in Healthcare, Information search and Decision Support that are being developed right now and will reach the market very soon. Requesting your feedback, suggestions and continued support. Please send your feedback